Monday, July 8, 2019

Roan Mountain with Gary Kauffman - June 28, 2019

Roan Mountain with Gary Kauffman

What could be better than a day with Gary Kauffman at Roan Mountain?!

Our trip on June 28 was perfect.  The skies were overcast in the morning and the 2 showers in the afternoon happened when we were near our cars. Many of the rare species in this unique and beautiful area were in bloom and Gary helped us see them all.

The Gray’s lilies seemed at their peak - scattered among the grasses and other grassy bald species on Round Bald.  (The panoramic view was spectacular too.)  It was heartbreaking to learn of the fungus that is affecting the lilies.
After lunch and a rain break, we were enchanted by the Red Spruce-Fraser Fir Forest and ended the day at a Rocky Summit.  It was particularly satisfying to see Spreading Avens and Roan Mountain Bluet in bloom.

Karen’s photos as usual tell it best: 

Rushes, Sedges, and Grasses


Wavy Hair grass

 Skunk Goldenrod

Roan Rattlesnake Root; Nabalus Roanensis

In the Red Spruce-Fraser Fir Forest

Mountain Wood Sorrel; Oxalis montana
Gary documenting Kalmia

Gary and St. John's Wort; Hypericum mitchellianum

Gary and Tassel-rue; Carolina Bugbane; Trautvetteria caroliniensis

Gary with exciting grass!

Tassel Rue

Gray's Lily

Papparazi filming

Fraser Fir cones

Gary nose to the lichens

Green Alder; Alnus viridis

Kalmia, Sand Myrtle; Kalmia buxifolia


Micheaux's Saxifrage; Hydatrica petiolaris

Mountain Wood Fern; Dryopteris camplyoptera

Spreading Avens; Geum radiatum

Spreading Avens; Geum radiatum

Gary with light on rare lichen

Roan Mountain Bluet; Houstonia montana


Stair-step Moss and 

Three-toothed Cinquefoil; Sibbaldia retusa
Gray's lily; Lilium grayi

Gray's Lily

Gray's Lily

Gray's Lily

Oxeye Daisy; Leucanthemum vulgare

Spreading Avens bloom

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